Nocturne for a Widow

Book 1 in the Sybil Ingram Victorian mystery series. Ebook now FREE at all retailers!

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The ghost may be the least of her problems…

Viva­cious actress Sybil Ingram looks for­ward to a life of secu­ri­ty when she leaves the the­ater in 1873 to mar­ry a wealthy Amer­i­can. But when he dies on their wed­ding night, she finds her­self pen­ni­less. Her only lega­cy is Brooke House, a Goth­ic revival manor in the wilds of the Hud­son Riv­er Val­ley. To her dis­may, the eerie man­sion comes with two ten­ants. One is a hos­tile ghost.  The sec­ond, and far worse, is noto­ri­ous vio­lin­ist Rod­er­ick Brooke–the most inso­lent, dan­ger­ous, mad­den­ing­ly gor­geous man she’s ever met.

As Sybil and Rod­er­ick engage in a bat­tle of wills—and wits—she is increas­ing­ly drawn to him despite her grow­ing sus­pi­cion that there is a con­nec­tion between him and the spir­it that haunts Brooke House. But soon a more omi­nous mys­tery aris­es: the enig­mat­ic queen of local soci­ety, Mrs. Lavinia Dove. For rea­sons that Sybil can’t imag­ine, Mrs. Dove is deter­mined to have Brooke House and Rod­er­ick for herself…even if she must use dead­ly means.

By turns mys­te­ri­ous and mov­ing, sparkling and spooky, Noc­turne for a Wid­ow fol­lows a spir­it­ed hero­ine from the col­or­ful the­atri­cal world of late Vic­to­ri­an Lon­don to the Amer­i­can wilder­ness.

Sen­su­al­i­ty lev­el: mild/sweet

Cat­e­gories: Vic­to­ri­an era, women sleuths, ghost sto­ry, goth­ic romance, roman­tic sus­pense, mys­tery, cozy mys­tery, his­tor­i­cal, roman­tic com­e­dy, 19th cen­tu­ry