The Night Before NaNo…

June 1 is the first day of Camp NaNoW­riMo, round one, in which writ­ers strive to com­plete 50,000 words of a novel–or a 50,000-word novel–within the space of one month. I have declared to many peo­ple my inten­tion of com­pet­ing, but I’m expe­ri­enc­ing a cer­tain,...

Seize the “Sea”

An excit­ing new review of Sea of Secrets is up at Goth­icked, the blog of Lisa Greer, her­self a tal­ent­ed author of goth­ic romances. A pos­i­tive review means all the more com­ing from some­one so well versed in the genre, so Lisa’s praise is an hon­or! If this...


That’s what it feels like after the revising/uploading ker­fuf­fle of the past few days. Sea of Secrets is once again avail­able on Ama­zon as a Kin­dle ebook, and right now is list­ed as num­ber 7 in goth­ic romance books, which deserves an excla­ma­tion point! I’ve...

Technical update and mountain musings

It’s too ear­ly yet to sound the all-clear, but I hope that I’ve ironed out the glitch­es in the Kin­dle ebook of Sea of Secrets. It’s been unnerv­ing to dis­cov­er that none of the Kin­dle pre­view appli­ca­tions can be trust­ed. From now on, I’ll be buy­ing a copy...

Ebook maintenance in progress

We’re expe­ri­enc­ing tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties with the Kin­dle ebook Sea of Secrets, even though it’s still avail­able for sale, so please hold off on pur­chas­ing until that’s straight­ened out! In the mean­time, the ebook is still avail­able...