Upon a Ghostly Yule

Can the ghost of a tragic beauty teach a spirited Victorian belle how to live—and love?

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In this spooky, sweet short sto­ry of about 60 pages, when debu­tante Felic­i­ty Regi­nald imper­son­ates the ghost of a will­ful 18th-cen­tu­ry beau­ty at a Christ­mas house par­ty in 1856, she is embark­ing on a dan­ger­ous mas­quer­ade. The real specter is hun­gry for life—and when she steps into Felicity’s skin, nobody, least of all dash­ing Sir James Dar­ring­ton, is pre­pared for what hap­pens next. James and Felic­i­ty must over­come the bit­ter mis­un­der­stand­ing that has kept them apart in order to solve the mys­tery and save Felic­i­ty before the ghost’s grow­ing influ­ence takes over entire­ly.

Pre­pare your­self for Christ­mas atmos­phere, spooky chills, charm­ing romance, and “DeWees’ sig­na­ture wit­ty repar­tee” (Volatil­isan­guis, Ama­zon review­er) in this fun-filled short sto­ry star­ring Felic­i­ty Regi­nald, first seen in Sea of Secrets, win­ner of the 2012 RONÉ Award in mys­tery.

Fans of tra­di­tion­al goth­ic romance in the tra­di­tion of Mary Stew­art, Vic­to­ria Holt, and Bar­bara Michaels will delight in what review­ers are call­ing “a beau­ti­ful, haunt­ing tale filled with twists and turns” (Cait­lyn, Ama­zon review­er) and “a thor­ough­ly enchant­i­ng sto­ry of romance, betray­al, secret pas­sage­ways, and ghost­ly occur­rences” (Dar­rell, Goodreads). And if this is your first time explor­ing Aman­da DeWees’s Vic­to­ri­an goth­ic works, you won’t want to miss a sin­gle one of her oth­er books in the genre.


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