A Haunting Reprise

New! Book 3 in the Sybil Ingram Victorian mystery series

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When Sybil returns to her London roots, the past comes back to haunt her.

Actress-turned-medi­um Sybil Ingram is enjoy­ing life in Paris with her new hus­band, vio­lin­ist Rod­er­ick Brooke, when her past sud­den­ly catch­es up with her in the form of her pushy lit­tle sis­ter. Pol­ly wants Sybil to help her become an actress—which means get­ting the bless­ing of their father, who is near death.

Back in Lon­don, Sybil’s home­com­ing is chilly. Even worse is her reunion with her for­mer men­tor, Ger­hardt Ather­ton, who is still false­ly claim­ing that Sybil embez­zled from the the­ater troupe. When Ather­ton is found dead, his busi­ness part­ner, Ivor Tre­herne, is arrest­ed for mur­der. But Sybil isn’t sat­is­fied that the police have unearthed the whole sto­ry.

Mat­ters reach a cri­sis when the dra­ma in her fam­i­ly takes a super­nat­ur­al form. As she turns to a fel­low medi­um to help her ban­ish a pol­ter­geist and deter­mine who real­ly killed Ather­ton, Sybil soon real­izes that some­one is try­ing to silence her…perhaps for good.