The Last Serenade

Book 2 in the Sybil Ingram Victorian mystery series

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When Sybil takes the stage again, mur­der plays the lead­ing role.

In Sep­tem­ber 1873, actress and spir­it medi­um Sybil Ingram is eager­ly antic­i­pat­ing her mar­riage to dash­ing vio­lin­ist Rod­er­ick Brooke. But the wed­ding plans are halt­ed by Roderick’s for­mer lover, Julia de Lion­court, who implores him to come to Paris to res­cue her from a black­mail­er.

Know­ing how guilty Rod­er­ick still feels for killing Julia’s hus­band in a duel, Sybil agrees to help Julia for his sake—even though it means becom­ing her under­study in a French melo­dra­ma. Worse, it’s all too clear that the schem­ing diva wants Rod­er­ick back in her bed. When the black­mail­er is found dead, can Sybil’s abil­i­ties as a medi­um help her dis­cov­er the truth before the killer stops her?









