That’s what it feels like after the revising/uploading ker­fuf­fle of the past few days. Sea of Secrets is once again avail­able on Ama­zon as a Kin­dle ebook, and right now is list­ed as num­ber 7 in goth­ic romance books, which deserves an excla­ma­tion point! I’ve asked Ama­zon to make the new ebook edi­tion avail­able as an update to those who pur­chased the first ver­sion, but the changes don’t affect the nov­el itself, aside from a few apos­tro­phes. Rather, the after­word has some revi­sions, and there are now a few review excerpts, plus live hyper­links to this site, to my Face­book page, and to Miss Ruby’s splen­did review at Sweet Rock­et.

Don’t for­get to tell your friends that the Sea of Secrets ebook will be avail­able for a mere 99 cents on May 19 and 20! It’ll be the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for any­one who’s been uncer­tain about invest­ing the full $2.99… which, if you ask me, is still a bar­gain, but nat­u­ral­ly I’m a bit biased. 😉