Last night the final­ists in the 2012 RONE (Reward of Nov­el Excel­lence) awards were announced, and I was thrilled to find that both my nom­i­nat­ed books made it to the final round–Sea of Secrets in mys­tery, and Cast­ing Shad­ows in young adult para­nor­mal! The win­ners and run­ner-ups will be announced on August 9 at the Romance Nov­el Con­ven­tion. I’m up against some real­ly fine books, but I, like many an Oscar nom­i­nee, can say in all sin­cer­i­ty that it’s an hon­or to be nom­i­nat­ed. And now my two final­ist books get nice shiny badges for their cov­ers! Thank you to all who vot­ed for me, and if you feel like cross­ing your fin­gers for me in this judg­ing round, I’d appre­ci­ate it.