We’re expe­ri­enc­ing tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties with the Kin­dle ebook Sea of Secrets, even though it’s still avail­able for sale, so please hold off on pur­chas­ing until that’s straight­ened out! In the mean­time, the ebook is still avail­able at Smash­words in a range of for­mats. I’ll update here when the prob­lems are fixed.

If you’re one of the won­der­ful peo­ple who have already pur­chased Sea of Secrets, have no fear that the nov­el itself is changed–the updat­ed ebook mere­ly fea­tures a few tan­ta­liz­ing review snip­pets at the begin­ning and a revised after­word.