An excit­ing new review of Sea of Secrets is up at Goth­icked, the blog of Lisa Greer, her­self a tal­ent­ed author of goth­ic romances. A pos­i­tive review means all the more com­ing from some­one so well versed in the genre, so Lisa’s praise is an hon­or!

If this great review moves you to buy the ebook, this week­end is the per­fect time to do it. For just two days–Saturday and Sun­day–Sea of Secrets will be on sale for 99 cents on Ama­zon, Smash­words, and Barnes & Noble. Any­one who enjoys goth­ic atmos­phere, romance, sus­pense, his­tor­i­cal set­tings, and Shake­speare­an echoes should grab the book at this bar­gain price. And please tell your friends–this is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to check out the book behind the rave reviews!