Fall is grad­u­al­ly gain­ing a foothold in Atlanta, and the cool­er air car­ries excite­ment with it. To me, fall has always brought a thrilling feel­ing of ener­gy and adven­ture and pos­si­bil­i­ties, of excit­ing things just around the cor­ner. So many oppor­tu­ni­ties are open­ing up at once: tomor­row the Moon­light & Mag­no­lias writ­ers’ con­fer­ence begins, where I’ll be attend­ing for the first time, eager to drink up all the knowl­edge that the more expe­ri­enced authors have to share. I’m lis­ten­ing to voice actress­es’ audi­tions for the audio­book of Sea of Secrets, which is thrilling to some­one who loves the­ater and audio dra­ma as much as I do. My cov­er design­er is trans­form­ing the gor­geous cov­er art by Clau­dia of Phat­Pup­py Art into com­pelling cov­ers, and watch­ing them come to life is a delight. And I’m also draft­ing book three of the Ash Grove chron­i­cles, and I don’t know if any­thing is as excit­ing as see­ing where the char­ac­ters I love decide to take the sto­ry. It’s a good time to be a writer. And with book one of the Ash Grove chron­i­cles, The Shad­ow and the Rose, head­ed for a Hal­loween release, it’s not a bad time to be a read­er either! I can’t wait to offi­cial­ly intro­duce the Ash Grove series to the world. This fall is an excit­ing time indeed.