Sea of Secrets

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"A haunting, gripping saga that will keep you flipping the pages... A beautiful story of a woman coming to terms with the reality of her destiny and the power of the past, an eerie setting rich in closeted skeletons, murder, and mystery... a historical Gothic romance written in the style of Holt and Whitney, and one you most certainly do not want to miss!" --Stacy, Gothic Romance Reviews

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Can love con­quer the shad­ows of suspicion—and mur­der? When inno­cent young Oriel Pem­broke is dis­owned by her cru­el father and takes refuge at the sump­tu­ous sea­side estate of Ellsmere, she doesn’t expect to fall in love with the brood­ing young duke, Herron—or to find her frag­ile new hap­pi­ness taint­ed by his sus­pi­cions about the death of his father. Did his uncle tru­ly mur­der the late duke, or is Herron’s grief tip­ping into mad­ness? As Oriel tries to uncov­er the truth, she learns that there may be a shock­ing secret in her own past…a secret that could put her own life in dan­ger.

Sea of Secrets is a mas­ter­ful return to the tra­di­tion­al goth­ic romance as per­fect­ed by Bar­bara Michaels and Daphne du Mau­ri­er, as well as a fas­ci­nat­ing take on Shakespeare’s Ham­let reimag­ined for a Vic­to­ri­an goth­ic set­ting. Find out why Oriel’s sto­ry was award­ed the 2012 Reward of Nov­el Excel­lence and has been hailed as “beau­ti­ful and sus­pense­fula pure plea­sure to read” (InD’Tale Mag­a­zine) and “a haunt­ing, grip­ping saga that will keep you flip­ping the pages” (Goth­ic Romance Reviews). Whether you are a fan of his­tor­i­cal mys­ter­ies, com­ing-of-age sto­ries, or rich­ly imag­ined women’s fic­tion, you won’t want to miss Sea of Secrets.

With lush and intel­li­gent prose, DeWees has craft­ed a beau­ti­ful and sus­pense­ful nov­el that is a pure plea­sure to read! The haunt­ing set­ting and well drawn char­ac­ters entice one to read on and on, way past bed­time.” — Beth Cham­ber­lain, InD’­Tale mag­a­zine (five-star review)

DeWees has writ­ten a book that can proud­ly sit on a shelf beside the best lit­er­ary his­tor­i­cal fic­tion of any day.” — Miss Ruby Jones, Sweet Rock­et

I had trou­ble putting this book down. At one point, when my eread­er bat­tery threat­ened to turn off, I lit­er­al­ly shout­ed, “NO!” in the oil change store. It shocked my fel­low-cus­tomers but not so much as myself, when I was jolt­ed back to 2012 Amer­i­ca from the land of sooth­ing ocean tides, blus­tery win­ter breezes, and the feel of taffe­ta against my skin… Every­thing about this book is rich in detail and authen­tic­i­ty. Bra­vo, Ms. DeWees. I want more!” — Kym,

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About 110,000 words

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