Halloween Vampire Anthology

In prepa­ra­tion for Hal­loween, my favorite hol­i­day, I always like to revis­it favorite spooky sto­ries. This year I’m fol­low­ing the excel­lent sug­ges­tion of my friend Charles R. Rut­ledge, the tal­ent­ed author of crime and hor­ror fic­tion like the Grif­fin...

New: Upon a Ghostly Yule

My newest sto­ry, “Upon a Ghost­ly Yule,” is out! Click HERE to see on Ama­zon. This short sto­ry fol­lows the char­ac­ter Felic­i­ty Regi­nald (Charles’s lit­tle sis­ter from Sea of Secrets) as she finds adven­ture and dan­ger at a Christ­mas house par­ty in 1856....

Interview with voice actress Elizabeth Klett

Read­ers, I’m delight­ed to intro­duce you to Eliz­a­beth Klett, the pro­lif­ic and excep­tion­al­ly tal­ent­ed voice actress who nar­rat­ed the audio­book of With This Curse. Eliz­a­beth has been record­ing audio­books pro­fes­sion­al­ly since 2011 and has also...

Current Events

Lots has been going on late­ly, and I want­ed to make sure every­one is in the loop! Right now the Ash Grove paper­backs are under­go­ing a tiny face lift and will be unavail­able through the stan­dard sales chan­nels (Ama­zon, BN.com, Cre­ate­Space) for a lit­tle...